While organizations may formulate a management process to implement projects and programs in their facilities to achieve their goals better, the management team evolves from experience and expertise acquired over years of doing things as best they could.  Training and execution of plans to get things done effectively and efficiently allowed for a level of competence that sustained organizations in their performance.  Sometimes, the management staffs succeeded but were not successful because they just muddled through instead of following a proven management process.  This became demonstrable in research results.  So, why was this happening?  Three reasons were identified and all three reasons can be summed up as follows:  Management staffs have difficulty implementing effective management processes because they do not understand the nature of their work, the type of organization they are charged with managing, and the type of temperament they bring to bear in the day-to-day management milieu.

So, let us take a look at FAME in some detail and the basis of the management process concept developed over the years.  The sub-topics under this menu heading provide the background necessary to see the linkage among organizational types, managerial types, and the nature of managerial work.